Helping the conservation of native hedgehogs in West Midlands and Staffordshire
West Midlands Hedgehog Rescue

If you find a hedgehog that needs help in West Midlands/South Staffs CALL US on 07837 409533 between 8am and 8pm (outside of these hours please follow instructions here or contact your local 24 hour emergency vet)

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Helping sick, injured and orphaned hedgehogs across the West Midlands and Staffordshire

How You Can Help Us


We always need

donations of:


• Tinned Cat Food

(meat based in jelly,

                          no fish or gravy)

• Clean paper pet bedding &

puppy training pads

• Old Towels/Bedding

• Dried mealworms

• Feeding Syringes

• Single Use Sterile Needles

• Anti-Bacterial Hand Gel


If you would like to donate

via the wish list please get in touch for delivery details



We also accept monetary

Baby hedgehogs, known as hoglets, need help to  feed when orphanedwhat to do if you find a hedgehog that needs our help


IMPORTANT: If you find a hedgehog that needs our help outside of our opening hours(8am to 8pm every day) please do one of the following:

1) Put the hedgehog in an escape proof high sided box (full instructions below) then ring us on 07837 409533 between 8am and 8pm


2) Contact your local 24 hour emergency vet.


If you see a hedgehog out in the daylight, or an injured or sick hedgehog at any time, it is in trouble. A hedgehog 'sun-bathing' or 'staggering' is probably very cold, and hypothermia is setting in. You need to act at once to help the animal. with recent heatwaves becoming more frequent in the UK the hedgehog may also be suffering from dehydration.




• Pick up the hedgehog using gloves or an old towel

• Put the hedgehog in a high sided box filled with torn up newspaper, or cover with an old towel

• If the hedgehog feels cold to the touch, put in a bottle filled with hot water and wrap it up in a towel (A plastic pop bottle is ideal)

• Cover or close the box to protect the hedgehog from flies and maggots

• If there is an obvious wound or injury, take the hedgehog to a vet, straight away if possible. Tell the vet you want the hedgehog back if it recovers as it is always best to release recovered hedgehogs back into their territory.


For advice on what to do next:


If you are in the West Midlands or South Staffordshire area CALL US on 07837 409533 between 8am and 8pm (outside of these hours please contact your local 24hr emergency vet) please do not email or use Facebook to report a hedgehog in need of our help - the phone is manned 8am to 8pm, other methods are not so you will waste valuable time if you report any other way than by phone. If no answer - leave a message we WILL get back to you ASAP. If you are hearing or speech impaired please send an SMS text message to 07837 409533 - instructions on what to put in the message are here


If you are outside our region please contact The British Hedgehog Preservation Society on 01584 890801 to find the carer for your area.


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© West Midlands Hedgehog Rescue 2014-25. All rights reserved.