West Midlands Hedgehog Rescue

If you find a hedgehog that needs help in West Midlands/South Staffs CALL US on 07837 409533  between 8am and 8pm (outside of these hours please follow our instructions here or contact your local 24hr emergency vet)

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Fundraising EventsHedgehogs and their hoglets need our help and we need donations to do that


We regularly hold and attend events in and around the West Midlands and South Staffordshire regions and also online.


Please check our Facebook page for details of fundraising events.


Our aim is to raise public awareness of the plight of our native hedgehogs, inform people on how to be hedgehog aware and to raise much needed funds to keep our Hosprickal going. We have to cover costs on a daily basis of food, medicines, bedding, fuel for collection of injured and sick hedgehogs and many other items.


Joan Lockley, our hedgehog carer, gives regular talks on the plight of our native hedgehogs and how they can be helped and cared for. She presents her talks to many organisations including The Wildlife Trusts, The W.I., The Townswomens' Guilds and schools.





The Open Day will be held at Hawkins Sports & Social Club, Coppice Lane, Cheslyn Hay WS6 7EY


Please come along and support our work rescuing the native hedgehogs of the West Midlands.







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Rescue 2014-25. All rights reserved.